
Osteopaths are Allied Health Care Practitioners and highly competent healthcare professionals, recognised by the NHS as fully qualified to diagnose and treat independently.

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy is one way of assessing, treating and preventing a wide range of health problems. Osteopaths use various techniques  including movement, stretching, targeted deep tissue massage and manipulation of a person’s muscles and joints to improve function, relieve pain and aid recovery. Over 30,000 people every day visit an osteopath.


NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programing 

NLP is used by some Hypnotherapists, Councelors & professionals when treating addictions, phobias, weight management, depression & anxiety.

What is NLP? 
Neuro = Neurology/ your brain
Linguistic =  Language
Programming = How the two function together. 

NLP has been referred to as viewing your mind as a switchboard with wiring that is out of date. NLP is used help rewire these connections, thoughts or habits to serve you effectively.

 This treatment is only available with Sarah



A treatment derived from ancient Chinese medicine where Fine needles are inserted at certain areas on the body for preventative / therapeutic purposes. NHS recognized practice .

What is Acupuncture?
A complimentary healthcare system where needles are inserted into specific points on the body to treat conditions such as back pain and stress related symptoms. Using the principles of Chinese Medicine and Philosophy, Acupuncture stimulates areas which link to organs affecting how you feel and function

Our acupuncturist, Sarah uses mainly myofascial trigger point acupuncture. This approach responds effectively to issues of a physical, psychological or emotional origin. The beauty of this is that although treatment may initially be focused on a specific symptom/s, patients will likely begin to notice improvements in other areas of their wellbeing. In addition to treatment, Sarah will offer support and guidance relating to lifestyle changes that might best support patients in achieving and surpassing their health goals. As well as the gentle stimulation of acupuncture points, treatments may include a range of therapeutic techniques such as fire-cupping, guasha or moxibustion.

This treatment is integrated into Sarahs Osteopathic sessions.