5 Ways of Eating Better!
5 Ways to Eating Better
Ok so it’s the New Year and a lot of us will be trying to sort our diet out. This can be extremely exciting and empowering but can be a real struggle sometimes especially when the reality of work, kids and stress build up. So here are 5 simple tips to help keep you on track this 2020.
1. If it’s not in the house you can’t eat it. Don’t buy treats, it sounds too simple but honestly it can work wonders. If you don’t have a chocolate bar in the house it takes a fair bit of effort to go out to the shops just for chocolate. (Don’t get me wrong I’ve done that on occasion).
2. Get help – If you feel like you’re in a real pickle when it comes to food and you don’t know where to start, then get a coach, join a group or follow a plan. The key is to start, once you start you can learn along the way, but if you never start you’ll never get any closer to your goal.
3. Try it for one day – Try eating healthy for one day a week, that’s all pick one day where you have time to prepare a few good meals. Do this for a couple of weeks and then if it’s easy enough try two days. One day is better than nothing after all.
4. Add a side salad – simple and easy. Get some rocket a few tomatoes and cucumber, throw it in a bowl and add it to your usual meal. Try this at lunch and dinner, see how you feel if it feels good maybe swap it for the chips the week after.
5. Slow and Steady – Remember the tortoise and the hare? Well its true making small changes over time is much easier than making huge changes, quickly and falling flat on your face. The thing is in this day and age everybody wants everything now. Humans take time to change however and get pretty grumpy along the way. Small manageable changes over time gradually add up to become a healthy lifestyle. Trust the process and stop thinking short term.
Hopefully these changes can help you make a lasting lifestyle change that genuinely makes you look and feel better.
Written by Jamie Morris
Registered Osteopath