5 Ways to Drink more Water!
We all know we should be drinking more water, 1.5 – 2 litres is the recommended amount. If you aren’t getting that, here are 5 easy ways to drink more water.
1. Fill a large jug with water at the start of your day, place that jug next to your work station and aim to finish the jug. Too simple you say? Try it for two weeks, if you empty it every day for two weeks you can e mail me “told you so”.
2. I’ve heard a few people say they don’t like the taste of water, Ok no problem try flavouring it with a few slices of lemon, berries or even mint. This will give it a light flavour which can help make it more palatable.
3. Ice – put some ice in your water, for some reason ice cold water seems to taste better to me. Mix this with point 2 and you’ve got a cocktail pretty much, well almost, ok it’s not a cocktail but you can put a little umbrella in and pretend it is.
4. Set an alarm on your phone, set it for every hour, when it goes off drink a glass of water. Eventually this will become a habit and you won’t even need the alarm or you’ll get fed up of the alarm going off in which case change the alarm tone regularly or use vibrate setting.
5. Keep a water diary, some would say that’s pedantic, I’d say it’s tracking progress. Get a white board and tick off the amount of glasses of water you’ve had or write it down on a piece of paper or notes on your mobile device.
Water is essential to life, so start the New Year on the right track and get drinking, plus it makes your skin look like an elvish princess, well kind of. We hope the tips give you some great ideas on how you can drink more water.
Written by Jamie Morris
Registered Osteopath